[ 영어 Q&A ]
두개 모의고사 지문인데 혹시 언제꺼 인지 아실까요?

32. Here’s a tip on how to tell if a band is in harmony. When a group is working together effectively, the individual musicians don’t need to play so many notes. A soloist can toss off casual phrases, and each one seems to hit the mark. An accompanist can underplay, and the group still swings. On the other extreme and I know this, once again, from painful personal experience when the band’s rhythmic cohesion is getting worse, each individual in the group is tempted to overplay. This is almost a matter of instinct. It’s no different from a second-rate basketball team: when they fail to operate together as a unit, individuals forget the plays, and everyone starts freelancing. In a band as on the field of play, ________ is no substitute for skilled execution.

*toss off: 힘들이지 않고 빠르게 만들어내다

**accompanist: 반주자  ***cohesion: 응집력

1.     knowledge about music

2.     repeated practice

3.     lots of activity

4.     enjoying various music

5.     memorizing the entire song

 From his earliest days in school, Lincoln’s friends remarked upon his extraordinary memory. His mind seemed “a wonder,” a friend told him, “impressions were easily made upon it and never erased.” Lincoln told his friend he was mistaken. What appeared a gift, he argued, was, in his case, a developed talent. “I am slow to learn,” he explained, “and slow to forget what I have learned. My mind is like a piece of steel very hard to scratch anything on it, and almost impossible after you get it there to rub it out.” His mother observed the tough process by which he engraved things into his memory. “When he came upon a passage that struck him, he would write it down on boards if he had no paper and keep it there until he did get paper,” she recalled, “and then he would rewrite it and keep it in a scrapbook so that he could preserve it.”

*engrave: 새기다

1.     I never regret what I have done before.

2.     I never compromise my sense of justice.

3.     I am strong enough to endure any hardship

4.     I am not easily influenced by what others say.

5.     I never forget what I memorized with difficulty.

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